This time, if satisfaction with the osteothetic clinic is classified by a group of patients who want, do not want to, actually have a conversation, or did not have a conversation in the waiting time, the content of the treatment, the satisfaction of the treatment time, the satisfaction of the treatment (technique and electricity) time, the question to the teacher, the question to the staff, the protection of secrets and privacy, This survey was carried out to investigate what kind of relationship the correlation is with items such as waiting time, and to clarifie the ideal way of conversation in osteosoin in the future. The most common reasons for choosing a osteo-clinic were "short waiting times", followed by "teachers are kind", "reputable", "close to home", and "good medical facilities". When it came to wanting to have a conversation with staff during a waiting room wait, 58% said they wanted it and 42% said they would not. The waiting time is the top reason when choosing a osteothean, but the fact that the correlation with satisfaction is strong is related to the treatment contents and questions to the teacher and staff. In other words, even if the waiting time is made, enriching these to the patient will lead to increased satisfaction.