the 31st World Congress of the IALP (International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics)
Author: Akira Nohara (Presenter), Eiko Hirota
Format: Poster Presentation
1.Three-year-olds can understand an interlocutor’s intention based on internal factors such as their preference and personality. Furthermore, based on prosocial knowledge, it is possible to associate behavior with the expected recipient response (e.g., a positive response to a positive behavior). It has been reported that understanding of others’ intentions becomes complicated with increasing complexity of behaviors , and the positive behaviors of others could be understood as expressing not only positive intentions but also negative intentions (Ito, 2006).
2.This study was conducted to examine a developmental feature in elementary-school aged children with hearing loss, as compared with normal-hearing children, regarding the intentional reasoning of others. The answer contents of children were analyzed from the viewpoint of semantic development.