Other Research Achievements

Basic information

Name Konomi Togo
Belonging department Medical Engineering Course,Department of Medical Course,Faculty of Health and Medical Science
Occupation name Associate Professor
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Evaluation of the Properties of Antithrombotic Materials with Novel Polymer Coating

Sole or Joint Author


Date of Issue


Conference Presentation(name)

The 55th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Artificial Organs (Hosei University, Chiyoda, Tokyo)


Due to the development of MDM coating using high-polymer polymers, we investigated its antithrombotic effect. Fresh blood was filled into both the MDM group, where MDM was coated on a mini artificial lung, and the non-coating group, and the platelet count before and after circulation was measured. The platelet count significantly decreased in the non-coating group compared to the MDM group. After the experiment, observation with a scanning electron microscope showed almost no platelet adhesion in the MDM group. It was orally presented that MDM coating had excellent antithrombotic properties.
Personal Contribution: I was responsible for the research planning, data collection and analysis, and the preparation of the abstract and slides.
Co-presenters: Konomi Togo, Toshihide Mizuno, Yutaka Fujii, Tomoaki Matsuda, Kan Takehisa, Eisuke Tatsumi