Acupuncture is used in disaster-stricken areas to care for disaster victims. Acupuncture in disaster-stricken areas differs from treatment in a clinic, and may require advance preparations and measures. The aim is to identify the preparations and measures required for safe acupuncture in disaster-stricken areas through interviews with acupuncturists who have experience in treating patients in those areas.
In the case of acupuncture in disaster-stricken areas, it is necessary to make prior arrangements with on-site staff and follow the rules of the field, while communicating with other professionals on site. Also, preparation of the equipment necessary for acupuncture in advance is important to ensure the quality of treatment is the same as in standard clinics. Furthermore, the education of acupuncturists who can deal with cases specific to disaster-stricken areas will also be required in advance.
Milkako Tsunematsu, Sachiko Ikemune, Ritsuna Noguchi, Kenji Imai