Other Research Achievements

Basic information

Name Jiro Komori
Belonging department Business Course,Department of Business,Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Occupation name Associate Professor
researchmap researcher code
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The things and story of the geo-/electrical power and its public
perception after 3.11 disaster in Fukushima Hama-dori region, Japan

Sole or Joint Author

Sole Author

Date of Issue


Conference Presentation(name)



Judging the importance of disaster mitigation cannot rely solely on the scale of damages. However, the Great East Japan Earthquake stands out due to its epicentral size, tsunami casualties, and the Fukushima nuclear disaster. Six years after the event, incorporating disaster experiences into elementary curricula is crucial to refresh our understanding. This presentation highlights children’s and students’ disaster awareness through field excursions, particularly focusing on preserving memories of Fukushima Dai-ichi. Key sights include the nuclear evacuation zones’ empty towns, remains of Joban mines, and power lines symbolizing the benefit-risk exchange between Tokyo and local areas.