Other Research Achievements

Basic information

Name Tetsuji Goto
Belonging department Medical Engineering Course,Department of Medical Course,Faculty of Health and Medical Science
Occupation name Associate Professor
researchmap researcher code
researchmap agency


Analysis of Emotional Movement behind a Story of MCI Person by NLP

Sole or Joint Author

Joint Author

Date of Issue


Conference Presentation(name)

24th Japan Society for Early Stage of Dementia Conference


We found that it is difficult to reason about the linguitic characteristics of MCI person related to usage of emotional words and in this paper, we analyze the fluctuation of emotion during a talk by using an emotional vector which is extracted from the words in the story. We use pre-trained BERT model after fine-tuing by using WRIME language dataset.
First we find that the emotional intensity is decrease according to age and especially in case of MCI. We also find that the intensity of complex or social emotions can be kept even though MCI person.
Second, we trace the fluctiation of emotoin estimated from words in the story per 8 words. As a result, MCI person tends to fluctiate more than elder healthy person or young person.