Other Research Achievements

Basic information

Name Kosuke Hirayama
Belonging department Trainer and Sports Course,Department of Medical Sports,Faculty of Health Care and Medical Sports
Occupation name Lecturer
researchmap researcher code
researchmap agency


A study on the stability of competitive anxiety and depressive symptoms in athletes: Focusing on the time-series changes that occur before and after important matches

Sole or Joint Author

Joint Author

Date of Issue


Conference Presentation(name)

The 70th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Physical Education, Keio University


This study compared competitive anxiety and depressive symptoms before important games and during off-game periods, and examined the degree to which they remained stable. The subjects of the study were 48 members of athletic teams at a sports university who answered questionnaires during both periods. The results showed that depressive symptoms remained stable before and after important games, without significant changes, but that depressive symptoms increased as competitive anxiety increased before games.