Other Research Achievements

Basic information

Name Kosuke Hirayama
Belonging department Trainer and Sports Course,Department of Medical Sports,Faculty of Health Care and Medical Sports
Occupation name Lecturer
researchmap researcher code
researchmap agency


Does a coach's orientation towards winning and losing make a difference in the life skills acquisition of sports club members?

Sole or Joint Author

Joint Author

Date of Issue


Conference Presentation(name)

The 68th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Physical Education, Shizuoka University


The purpose of this study was to clarify whether the acquisition of life skills by members of sports clubs differs depending on the coach's orientation toward winning and losing (victory orientation, process orientation). The survey was conducted in 2008 and 2015, and the subjects were 2,115 university students who belonged to sports clubs in high school. The results showed that in "social skills," "coaches with a high victory orientation" showed significantly lower scores than "coaches with both high victory and process orientations" and "coaches with a high process orientation."