Other Research Achievements

Basic information

Name Kosuke Hirayama
Belonging department Trainer and Sports Course,Department of Medical Sports,Faculty of Health Care and Medical Sports
Occupation name Lecturer
researchmap researcher code
researchmap agency


NASS Business Report: Psychological Support

Sole or Joint Author

Joint Author

Date of Issue


Conference Presentation(name)

Journal of the Institute of Physical Education, Nippon Sport Science University, 41, pp.26-35


This report presents case studies carried out by the psychological support department of the Nippon Sport Science University Athlete Support System (NASS) in fiscal year 2016. As of February 2017, 141 psychological support activities were carried out in fiscal year 2016. This report presents case studies of support provided to the target clubs and reports on the project. Mainly, psychological seminars were held for each club and individual support was provided to each player. Feedback was also provided to the coaches of each club.