Other Research Achievements

Basic information

Name Jiro Komori
Belonging department Business Course,Department of Business,Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Occupation name Associate Professor
researchmap researcher code
researchmap agency


Formation of regenerating glaciers following glacier collapse in the headwaters of the Madi River, central Himalayas, Nepal

Sole or Joint Author

Joint Author

Date of Issue


Conference Presentation(name)

The Geographical Society of Japan Fall Conference 2023


In the headwaters of the Madi River in the central Himalayas of Nepal, there is a regenerating glacier that is recharged by glacial melt from the southern glacier of Annapurna II Peak. This regenerating glacier is located at an elevation of approximately 2,500 m. As a seasonal change, it is replenished by avalanches from winter to spring, while thinning of the ice body and crevasses were observed in summer.