Other Research Achievements

Basic information

Name Hideki Yarita
Belonging department Occupational Therapy Major, Department of Rehabilitation,Faculty of Health Care and Medical Sports
Occupation name Associate Professor
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An Attempt to Implement and Disseminate Basketball for People with Mental Disorders in Japan

Sole or Joint Author


Date of Issue


Conference Presentation(name)

8th Asia Pacific Occupational Therapy Congress. Sapporo, Hokkaido


Background: In Japan, basketball competitions for people with mental disorders have been promoted by the incorporated nonprofit organization Japan Social Basketball Association (JSBA) since 2014. However, their activity has been limited to a few regions. 
Objectives: To implement and disseminate basketball for people with mental disorders, the association held experience events in various parts of Japan. This attempt was partially commissioned by the public interest incorporated foundation Japanese Para-Sports Association (JPSA).
Methods: The implementation period was from August 2021 to October 2023. The association held a series of experience events called "Social Basketball Caravan" in 10 prefectures. The events were managed by JSBA board members, basketball players with mental disorders, and JPSAcertified para-sports coaches.
Results: A total of 187 people participated in the events. In the host regions, 7 more supporters joined the activity, and 2 teams were formed.
Discussion: Basketball, a sport with a large population of players, attracts many people with mental disorders if given the opportunity to play. Additionally, it may be an important therapeutic activity that promotes the recovery of these people. Holding experience events is also crucial from this perspective.